Saturday, November 17, 2007

Busy Bees

Emily, Tori, Cindi, and Tayler
Destiny, Grandpa EG, and Cindi
(Thanks for the pictures Cindi!)

It has been a long time since I have been able to sit down and add anything to our blog. We have been soooooooo busy. My job is keeping me impossibly behind and now the holidays are upon us.

Wayne is taking Dakota deer hunting this morning. Dakota is very excited but Emily is upset because she doesn't get to go this time. Rob, Amy, Emma and Madison are in for the week. Rob is going hunting with them, too. We girls are all going to Minnie Jean's to cook a Thanksgiving feast...Yum!

The kids are still loving the Wednesday night Gleaner programs at Church. They can't wait to get there and are upset if they don't have class. It is wonderful to still see them so excited.

Dakota starts guitar lessons through the grassroots program in two weeks. I hope he stays interested in it. Emily is still doing beautifully with the fiddle.

Wayne repaired Emily's bedroom door, so Bo has to stay off her bed when we are not home. He has no choice; he can't budge the door any longer.

Amy is due in 3 weeks. Her belly is enormous! She may have a ten pounder! :) We can hardly wait. I wish we knew what "it" is, but they didn't want to find out until the big day.

Dakota got poison ivy across his face, eyelids, ears and neck. His earlobe really swelled up. This is the first time he has ever had it.

Well, I guess that is enough updates. I have a couple more things, but they are lengthy and a few minutes wouldn't do them justice. I will save those for a time when I have plenty of time, because it is about the wonderful way God answers prayer.

See you all later.


Anonymous said...

I love reading about you and everyone there. Let me know when the baby get here. Give everyone kisses for me.

Montgomery's said...

We had such a great time visiting! Come visit us when you can!

Jason Mullins said...

Well, the writer returns. Good to hear from you all even if I do have to be intrusive to get it. Great update.