Friday, October 19, 2007

Happy 35th Birthday Wayne Dixon!

I posted some more articles on the associated content site. One about the staph superbug MRSA that everyone is talking about. Check it out at

The ladies from Church are having the mission yard sale this weekend. It started today and runs through tomorrow. They had a steady stream of customers so hopefully we will raise a lot of money for missions.

Amanda and Wesley Hill are looking at a house this evening. Pray that God will lead them to the perfect house that He has for them.

I have had a hard week. I fell on Monday and hit my arm on the car and thought I had torn my rotator cuff, but it is much better. It still hurts to hold it above my head or to lie down with it a certain way, but I know God is able to completely heal it as he has before.

Emily is spending the night with a friend tonight. This is a rare thing. She normally ONLY goes with family. We have let her go home with one other little girl a couple of other times, but other than that, it is just with family. She is growing up!

Dakota is really getting into a book called the Trumpeter Swan and he even read through activity period today, which is amazing if you know anything about Dakota.

Today is Wayne's birthday. He is 35 today! Why don't you all call him and wish him a happy birthday! 870 213 6624 is his Cingular number. Don't tell him I told you too, though. :)


Pam said...

Happy birthday Wayne

Rachel said...

Awwww we missed it. A happy late birthday to Wayne! One more year left of being a VLB!